Term & Conditions

  1. Attention: Please be informed that as some of the products are arranged for your order after you place the order, the price of some (or) are all of the products in your order may be little more or less than the prices listed on the website. But Guaranteeing, ” Not more than the MRP “. If you are not satisfied with the prices of products, you can cancel & return that products when you receive the delivery of the same.
    NOTE: All the orders from outside the KURNOOL city of Andhra Pradesh State of India are served on Prepaid basis only and the Shipping/Courier charges are also applicable.
  2. Be informed that the Salt & Pepper Retail has its own architecture of Operational Functioning including Product designing, Packaging, Marketing, Pricing, Adopting Shelf Life Span based on Indian or International acceptable standards, Stock Organizing & FIFO Inventory Arrangement. No complains and comparisons are considered about any of the mentioned company policies / rules.
  3. Except Salt & Pepper Retail, under any circumstances no one is permitted or has any kind of right to redesign, represent, re-sale or re-market some or any of our products. Doing so will be strictly considered as a extreme criminal offence and will be legally prosecuted to a maximum extent.
  4. After reading this column, the Salt & Pepper Retail believes that the Customers are fairly cautioned and are clearly notified that they do not  purchase any of the Salt & Pepper Retail’s products from any third party (including any of the Salt & Pepper Retail employees) with or without the Order Invoice. For such transactions the Salt & Pepper Retail or any of its owners, management team, business partners, employees, staff, workers & management bears no responsibility for any kind of direct or indirect loss(es) incurred and are not liable for any legal action or charges. Hence, any kind of charges booked on any of the mentioned people shall disqualify according to these terms and may stand invalid and be rejected.
  5. Dear customer, when you open a product(s), if you find any kind of foreign particles, any unexpected substances, germs, bacteria or insects inside the product(s), you are strictly advised not to use the product(s) & inform the same to the Customer Service Team by calling on 08518-246338  / 246339 or +91 9642 80 9970 or by writing to [email protected] along with any photos of the spoiled product and / or the spoiled product itself. The needful will be done to replace / exchange the product as required according to company Exchange & Return Policy.
  6. The Product Images shown / displayed on the website are only for illustration purpose. Real products & packaging may vary with the images.
  7. Finally, by registering to Salt & Pepper Retail website (An Online Supermarket) you agree to all of its Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions that are subject to change from time to time at the sole discretion of the organisation with or without prior notice to you. So, you are humbly requested to carefully read and understand all the Privacy Policies and Terms & Conditions of the organisation to avail its services, before you register on our website(s) and each time you use our website(s), products & services. After giving your consent to the Privacy Policies and Terms & Conditions, it is an obligation to us to assure you of the best services at all times & our ultimate motto is to gain & retain your trust and confidence in us.

Customer’s consent:

I/We have carefully read and understood the terms & conditions and privacy policy of Salt & Pepper Retail and give my/our consent to the following:

  1. To use my/our information like full name, company’s name, contact details including email address(es) & mobile number(s), demographic information such as address etc., and other information related to my/our interests & preferences at Salt & Pepper Retail and any or all other affiliated business organisation(s) for improvement, marketing & development purposes of such business organisation(s).
  2. To send the timely updates about products & services (transaction status updates), information about latest products & services and latest promotional offers or any informational and marketing media to my/our email address(es) & mobile number(s) by any sort of communication medium.
  3. And to use my/our mentioned information to participate in market research programs conducted by Salt & Pepper Retail.

Salt & Pepper Retail

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